“Exploring the bioeconomy as a central pillar of regional recovery plans during and after COVID-19”
Organised by Ecologic Institute in collaboration with the BE-Rural project consortium, the conference took place in an online format on 8 September 2020 at 14:00 CEST (see the background reader and the conference proceedings here).
The objective of the online event was to explore the extent to which the implementation of a bioeconomy concept can leverage the reactivation of regional economies across Europe. How is the current crisis an opportunity to trigger systemic change? Who is already incorporating the bioeconomy concept into their recovery plans and actions? How do (short term) recovery plans fit with bioeconomy strategies (which have a longer term vision)? How resilient is our current notion of the EU bioeconomy, and can it help us navigate future crises?
To answer this question, a comprehensive and multi-faceted agenda was laid out, featuring short expert talks, virtual break-out groups, and a panel discussion with an audience composed of nearly 80 participants, largely coming from the OIP regions, but also from the European Commission, academia, and governments.
Speaker presentations are available hereunder:
- Holger Gerdes & Zoritza Kiresiewa – Ecologic Institute
- Laura Jalasjoki – European Network for Rural Development
- Ian Archer – Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC)
- Jens Persson – Swedish Board of Agriculture & SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG
- Joachim Venus – Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB)
- Ana Cuadrado Galvan – Bio-Based Industries Joint Undertaking (BBI JU)